I Had a Seat at Sophie Schiller's Historical Fiction Roundtable!

What Do Benjamin Franklin and the Giants of Mont'e Prama Have in Common?

Photo of Nuragic warrior
Nuragic warrior sandstone sculpture. Photo ©2009 DedaloNur

I was asked to answer a series of fascinating questions about historical fiction, and my answers appear with those of several other authors from around the English-speaking world on Sophie Schiller's Historical Fiction Round Table.

Click the link above or the photo of the handsome Mont'e Prama Giant to read what I have to say about him and about dinner with Benjamin Franklin. You could also get some great recommendations from writers about THEIR favorite writers  . . .

"History is about ordinary people living their ordinary lives, just as we do today, while all around the world is changing. It makes heroes out of some people and victims out of others."
--Vicky Adin, one of the roundtable authors

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