Rosette Cordelia Ramsdell Journal No. 14 1856
Lyons, Ionia Co. Mich.
Then I went to Mr. Crampton’s, I engaged him to varnish my maps. & as I wished to attend the Teacher’s’ Institute, I, after calling on Mrs. Loyed went to Mrs. Hall’s to see Miss Gower, the principal of the Union school here. I was told to go to the Pacific Hotel, & she would see me there. I accordingly directed my steps thither I found several ladies in the sitting room, on the same errand as myself. I learned the names of some. Miss Newman, Miss Thomas, Miss Grey, Miss Babcock, & Miss Cold, a sister of Sarah C. who I saw last winter at Mr. Lee Pattey’s
This is the opening entry of Rosette's journal, after a few notes on the end papers. It is typical of the cataloging throughout the journal, offering names that sometimes appear again and sometimes do not. She notes "Lyons" because she is there for the Institute, though she lives about seven miles southwest, in Orange Township. Note that this is her fourteenth journal - how young did she start?

I do not know the dates for this group of buildings in what is today tiny Lyons, Michigan. At the left is the Lyons-Muir Historical Museum. A later entry in Rosette's journal tells of several stores in this town burning down, though the owners were insured for $1000 each.
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CBabcock (Saturday, 03 October 2015 11:16)
You caught me right away with the mention of Miss Babcock. I'm not aware of my Babcock ancestors being in that area - though she may not be of my ancestors. I will have to do some sleuthing!
Cindy Marsch (Saturday, 03 October 2015 11:24)
Awesome! I just searched the journal and found only this reference and one at the end of February, 1857 - a Mr. Babcock having come to dinner (mid-day meal) at the home of Jacob Ramsdell, Rosette's father. I gathered that the Teachers' Institute drew people from all over the region - most of these names we never see again in the immediate neighborhood. I hope you find what you're looking for!